今天,广州新航道小编和各位童鞋一起来聊聊托福独立口语中一个常见,但却不自知的问题——偷换主语。也许大家平时在校长讲话、语文老师的教诲中,在喊口号说套话的耳濡目染下,很多童鞋在答题过程中,说着说着就成这样纸了:I prefer to give a presentation in front of the whole class because it is very meaningful. I cannot only practice my public speaking skills but also help my fellow classmates learn more about my topic. And also, you really need to pay alot attention and make great efforts…
还有些童鞋的境界更高,从自己引申到大家,就差慷慨激昂,摇旗起义了。如:I believe that being a leader is a better choice. The main reason is that we can acquire some important skills which are useful to our future development…
所以在托福独立口语中,大家要牢记一件事,当题目本身只是在问你的时候(如Which one do you prefer? Which of the following would you choose? 等等),请大家从一而终的用I做主语,不要轻易跳戏哟!