

来源:佛山小编 浏览: 发布日期:2020-01-03 09:54


Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? University students should not berequired to attend classes. Instead, they should beable to receive credits through a final test or paper.



Some students often manage to get through theircollege years by attending very few of their classeswhile not even having their grade suffer. In myopinion, however, students should be required to attend their classes for several importantreasons.

Many professors have discussions in their classes, but a student who is not there cannotparticipate in them. Class discussions can introduce students to many different opinions andpoints of view. Even in middle school, we sometimes have class discussions during which wecan learn a lot from what the other students say. I am sure that at college, where the studentshave more firsthand knowledge at their disposal, the class discussions are even better andmore enlightening. Students who fail to attend these discussions should also fail there classes.

Also, students who do not attend classes may lack basic knowledge of their majors since theyare deprived of the majority of the information that is taught in the class. This will be doingthem a disservice later in their lives. For example, my uncle usually skipped his college classes, but he still managed to get good grades. Later, when he got hired based primarily on thosegood grades; his new employer found out that he really did not have that much knowledge. Hewas fired from that job and had to find another, which was not as good. Despite his goodgrades, my uncle still lacked basic knowledge of his major.

Students should be required to attend their classes in order to help them learn better byparticipating in class discussions, and to provide them with the knowledge they need for thefuture. While there may be other fun things to do, going to class is a wise investment for thefuture.