

来源:佛山小编 浏览: 发布日期:2019-12-30 12:02

托福口语题目常常会要求考生用细节来支持论点,Please include details or examples in your explanation.根据老师的经验,同学们在这部分的难点是,能给论点,但是展开会比较困难,不知道怎样给出细节,不知道如何具体,有时候甚至是在重复同样的话。举个:观点是 cell phone is very important to people.分论点是 people can use their phones to do many works, for example, when people are working, they can use cell phones to do a lot of things.





观点——theres so much a student can do with a cellphone.

关键词——so much work

关键词细化——search the internet, use the calculator, take notes, record lectures


Which of the following invention do you think is themost important, Computers, TV, or telephones?Opinion:Computers

分论点1They have made our life so much easier.

关键词:made life so much easier(思考how

关键词细化:convenient to shop online, buying things online,easierto compare prices, get products delivered to our doorstep.

分论点2Secondly, compute has made communication so mucheasier than before

关键词:communication ... easier

关键词细化: mail&attachment---点击鼠标即可送达;letter--- had to wait for weeks to get it

【参考答案】Ithink computer is the most important invention in human history.Point 1They have made our life so much easier. For exampleits so convenient to shop online. We can buyanything online these days. It is also easier to compare prices. And we getproducts delivered to our doorstep. Point 2Secondly, compute has made communication so much easier than before. Itused to be the case that when we needed to contact someone out of the country,we had to mail a letter and the other person had to wait for weeks to get it.Nowadays, we can just send an email with all kinds of attachment, and the otherperson can get it as soon as we click on the send button.
