发布时间:2021-04-23 关键词:
摘要: SAT阅读提论据题怎么拿?SAT阅读中有一种题型叫论据题,考查的是对于作者在论证过程中使用了什么论据。“The passage makes the most extensive use of which kind of evidence?”下面我们来看一下,我们可能会遇到的一些论据。
SAT阅读提论据题怎么拿?SAT阅读中有一种题型叫论据题,考查的是对于作者在论证过程中使用了什么论据。“The passage makes the most extensive use of which kind of evidence?”下面我们来看一下,我们可能会遇到的一些论据。
1、data evidence;quantitive evidence;statistical evidence;statistical analysis
例如:Of the 126 galaxies of all varieties van Dokkum looked at, 67 showed telltale signs of impact, such as trailing tails of stars, or a collision in progress.
2、personal example;personal anecdote
3、 expert opinion;xpert testimony;scholarly opinion
例如:“I think SIRT3 is the next most interesting sirtuin from a drug development standpoint,” Sinclair say. “It does protect cells, but there's growing evidence that it may mediate the benefits of exercise as well.”
4、 historical documentation;historical records;historical sources
5、 hypothetical scenarios
假设论证,很常见的标记词是 if。作者在论证自己的观点时,会做一些假设,例如,假如不通过这个法案的话,就会带来一些严重的后果。
例如:“It is under such tyranny that the Spanish provinces languish, and such would be our misfortune and degradation, if we should submit to have the concerns of the whole empire managed by our legislature.”
6、 Scientific studies
科学研究通常包括两大类:observational studies(观察研究)和 experimental studies(实验研究)。
7、Secondary sources
二次文献是相对于一次文献(primary sources)而言的。一次文献指的是我们要研究的文件、材料等本身。二次文献指的是引用他们已经对一次文献处理过的信息。例如我们如果要写一篇关于《黑客帝国》这部电影的论文,这部电影本身、跟导演的采访就是我们的一次文献,但如果某本杂志对这部电影写了影评,我们再引用杂志的观点,就属于二次文献。