

来源:新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2016-04-22 14:35




  释义 •adj. (of things) that can be used or obtained 可用的,可得到的;(of people) free to be seen, talked to, etc. 可会见的,可与之交谈的

  同义 to be availed of, to be turned to account; profitable, serviceable,useful

  派生 avail v. 利用,有用于…… availability n. 可获得性

  例句 •I’m afraid this service is only available to full-time students. (IELTS7,T3,L1) 恐怕只有全日制学生才能享受这一服务。


  Insurance [ɪn'ʃʊərəns]

  释义 •n. (contract made by a company or society, or by the state, to provide a) guarantee of compensation for loss, damage, sickness, death,etc. in return for regular payment 保险;the business of providing such contracts 保险业;money paid by or to an insurance company 保险费

  词根 •in( 使)+sure( 安全的) →使安全→

  派生 •insure v. ,确保;为……上保险,投保 insurer n.承保人,保险公司

  例句 •If you haven’t organised an annual insurance policy of your own, you’ll need to take out the low-cost cover we offer and we require that you arrange this when you make your holiday reservation.

  (IELTS7,T1,L2) 如果你没有年度保险计划,那么你需要购买我们提供的低成本保险,并且你要在假期预定时作出安排。




  释义 •v. to have an influence on (sb./sth.); to produce an effect on 影响;to cause (sb.) to have feelings of sadness or sympathy; to touch 感动;to pretend to have or feel (sth.) 假装

  词根 •af(to)+fect(做)→对某人做……→影响某人

  派生 •affective adj. 情感的,表达感情的 affectation n. 假装,做作 affected adj. 受影响的;受感动的;做作的 affecting adj. 令人感动的,令人怜悯的 affection n. 慈爱,友爱,爱慕

  同义 influence, touch, impress, move

  例句 Is it possible that the external environment can affect a guest’s well-being? (IELTS7,T3,L4) 外部环境有可能会影响客人的安宁吗?



  释义 •n. a group of numbers and letters that you write at the end of an address on an envelope, package etc. the postcode shows the exact area where someone lives and helps the post office deliver the post more quickly 邮政编码

  例句 And do you know your postcode? (IELTS5,T3,L1) 你知道你的邮政编码吗?




  释义 •n. a collection of information shown in numbers(一组) 统计数字,统计资料;the science of collecting, classifying and analysing such information 统计学

  派生 •statistical adj. 统计的

  statistician n. 统计学家,统计员

  例句 •As regards specific areas to work on, I’d be quite

  interested to have a few more statistics about the schools in the different zones. (IELTS6,T2,L3) 至于具体的工作领域,我很有兴趣更多不同地区学校的统计信息。



  释义 •n. a wide road or path, often lined with trees, esp. one that

  leads to a large house 林荫大道, 大街;a way of approaching or

  making progress towards sth. 途径,渠道

  例句 Clean coal is another avenue for improving fuel conversion efficiency. (IELTS3,TA,R3) 清洁煤的使用是提高燃料转化效率的另一种途径。





  释义 •v. to lay or to put sth. down 放下;to put (money) into a bank, esp. to earn interest, etc. 存放;to give (sth. valuable or important) to sb. to be kept in a safe place 交与……保管;to pay (sth.)as part of a larger sum, the rest of which is to be paid later 付订金 n. alayer of matter (often deep in the earth) that has accumulated naturally矿床,矿藏;a layer of matter laid down by a liquid, river, etc. 沉淀物;a sum paid into an account, e.g. at a bank 储蓄,存款;the payment of a part of a larger sum, the rest of which is to be paid later 订金,押金,金

  词根 •de( 在下方)+posit( 放置) →放在下面→沉淀

  派生 •deposition n. 沉淀物,沉积;作证;免职,废黜

  搭配 •deposit sth. with sb. 把某物寄放在某人处

  例句 •We require you to raise sponsorship money of at least $3,200, paying $250 of it up front as a deposit and the rest in stages throughout the year. (IELTS7,T3,L2)我们要求你筹集至少3200美元的资助款,其中250美元预先支付,剩下的一年内分期支付。



  释义 •v. to record your/sb’s/sth’s name on an official list记录;登记,注册;显出;注意到,记住 n. an official list or record of names, items, attendances, etc. 登记(表), 注册(簿);记录器;暖气,调风器

  词根 •re(back)+gister(带来)→再次带来→(学生)登记

  派生 •registrar n. 记录者;登记员;注册主任;高等法院注册官 registration4 n. 注册 registered adj. 登记过的

  例句 •I’d like to register for the full three days. (IELTS6,T4,L1)我想注册三天的全部活动。


  Gallery16 [ˈgælərɪ]

  Garage16 ['ɡærɑːʒ]

  释义 n. a building in which to keep one or more cars, vans, etc. 车库,飞机库;(service station) a roadside petrol station where vehicles can be serviced and repaired 汽车维修站,加油站 v. to put (a motor vehicle) in a garage 把……送入车库

  例句 Those rooms constructed at the front of the houses should be garages. (IELTS3,T4,L4) 建在房子前面的那些屋子应该是车库。


  Reserve16 [rɪ'zɜːv]

  释义 •v. to put aside or keep sth. for a later occasion or special use

  储备某物;to have or keep (a specified power); retain 具有或保持( 某种权利); to order or set aside (seats, accommodation, etc.) for use by a particular person at a future time; book 预订或保留( 座位、住处等);订购 n. the thing put aside or kept for later use; extra amount available when

  needed 贮藏,储备;an area of land reserved esp. as a habitat for nature conservation 保护区;the tendency to avoid showing one’s feelings and appear unsociable to other people; restraint 矜持,拘谨;寡言

  词根 •re(back)+serve( 保持) →保留

  搭配 •reserve…for 替……保留

  without reserve 毫无保留地 in reserve 储存备用

  派生 •reservation n. 保留的座位[ 住处] 等;预订;保留意见,

  保留态度reserved adj. 说话不多的;不苟言笑的;矜持的,含蓄的

  例句 We will go now and have a look at the nature reserve section of the park, which has opened up natural wetland to the public.(IELTS7,T4,L2) 我们现在就出发,去参观公园的自然保护区,该保护区向公众开放自然湿地。


  Sculpture16 ['skʌlptʃə]

  释义 •n. the art of making figures, objects, etc. by carving wood or stone, shaping clay, making metal casts, etc. 雕刻,雕塑;a work or works made in this way 雕刻品 v. to represent (sb./sth.) in sculpture; to make (a sculpture) 雕刻,雕塑

  派生 sculptor n. 雕塑家,雕刻师

  例句 It has some really fascinating paintings and sculptures by leading artists from all over the world. (IELTS8,T3,L2) 它有引人入胜的绘画和雕塑,这些作品来自全世界的艺术家。





  释义 •n. a long essay on a particular subject, esp. one written for a doctorate or similar degree; thesis 专题论文,学位论文

  例句 •Hello, Sandy! How have you been getting on with your dissertation? (IELTS6,T2,L3) 喂,Sandy! 你的学位论文写得怎样了?





  释义 •n. a name shared by all the members of a family 姓(在英语中一般位于最后)

  词根 •sur(在……上)+name(名字)→在名字上面→姓

  例句 •It’s ANNE and her surname is spelt R-E-A. (IELTS3,T3,L3)是Anne,她的姓的拼写是R-E-A。



  释义 •n. a place where people agree to meet, esp. for a sports contest or match (聚集、审判、比赛)地点

  词根 •ven(来)+ue→大家一起来→(聚集的)地点

  例句 With only six performers it’s a small production, which suits the venue well. (IELTS4,T3,L2) 它是只有6位演员的小型作品,用这个会场正合适。





  释义 •n. the person who answers the questions in an interview 被采访人;面试者

  词根 •interview+ee(被……的人)→被采访人

  派生 •interview n. 面试 interviewer n. 采访人,面试官

  例句 •The other requirement is the number of interviewees.

  (IELTS6,T3,L3) 另外一个要求就是面试者的数量。




  释义 •n. a group of people playing esp. wind instruments 乐队;a thin flat strip, hoop or loop used for fastening things together or for placing round an object to strengthen it 带子;a range of wavelengths within specified limits 波段 v. to put a band on or around (sth.) 用带绑扎

  例句 •At one time the Asiatic lion was living as far west as Greece and they were found from there, in a band that spread east through various countries of the Middle East, all the way to India.

  (IELTS6,T4,L4) 曾经,亚洲狮居住在西部远至希腊一带。人们在那里发现它们成群结队地向东延伸,跨越中东各国,一直到印度。



  释义 •n. any of various types of drawer, shelf, holder, cover, box, etc, usu. with a wire or metal rod for keeping loose papers together and in order, for reference purposes 文件架,卷宗;纵列 v. to place sth. in a file; store sth. where it can be consulted 存档,归档

  例句 I realise most of you know how to organise files but we can show you the different ways to run data programmes. (IELTS5,T4,L4)我知道你们中的大多数人懂得怎样组织文档,但是我们可以向你们展示运行数据程序的不同方式。



  释义 n. (pl. shelves) a flat rectangular piece of wood, metal,glass or other material fastened horizontally to a wall or in a cupboard, bookcase, etc. for things to be placed on 搁板;a thing resembling a shelf, esp. a piece of rock projecting from a cliff, etc. or from the edge of a mass of land under the sea架子;天然形成的架状物, (尤指海底的)暗礁、大陆架

  例句 •The articles do not need to be returned to the shelves. (IELTS5,T4,L4)这些文章不必放回到书架上。



  释义 •n. an estimate or a plan of how money will be spent over a period of time, in relation to the amount of money available 预算;an annual government statement of a country’s expenditure and how it will be financed 政府预算案;the amount of money needed or allotted for a specific purpose 预算额,经费 v. to plan the spending of or provide (money) in a budget 制定预算,安排开支等

  同义 governmental estimate, fiscal estimate

  例句 I think for that kind of distance, a cab would be way beyond my budget. (IELTS7,T1,L1) 对于那样的距离,我觉得,打的将会超出我的预算。




  释义 •n. a substance that is not vegetable or animal, esp. one with a constant chemical composition which is found naturally in the earth 矿物,矿石,矿藏

  例句 Bitterness, he says, alerts us of toxins in the food, while sourness warns us of spoilage and saltiness signals the presence of minerals. (IELTS7,T4,L4) 他说,苦味使我们警惕食物中的毒素,酸味提醒我们食物腐坏,而咸味表明矿物质的存在。



  释义 •n. a unit, esp. of a computer or computer program, that has a particular function 模件,模块;an independent self-contained unit of a spacecraft 登月舱,指令舱

  例句 •And each module lasts for one term,about twelve weeks at a time. (IELTS5,T1,L3) 并且每一个模块会持续一个周期,一次大约12 周。



  释义 •n. an official document issued by the government of a particular country, identifying the holder as a citizen of that country and entitling him to travel abroad under its protection 护照

  词根 •pass( 通过)+port( 门口) →通过国内的证件→护照

  例句 •We can’t issue your card unless you bring all three; so, don’t forget: your union card, passport photo and fee. (IELTS3,T3,L2)我们不能发给你卡,除非你把三样东西都拿来;因此,不要忘了你的会员卡、护照照片和费用。



  释义 •vt. to gain (sb.) as a recruit; to enlist 征募( 新兵),吸收( 新成员);充实 n. a person who has just joined the armed forces or police and is not yet trained 新兵,新手,新成员

  词根 •re( → again 再,又)+ cruit( → to grow 生长,长出) → 再次成长 → 补充;恢复;招募,招收

  派生 •recruitment n. 招募;吸收

  例句 You are among the two hundred extra staff recruited to help look after them. (IELTS5,T3,L4) 你是被招募的200 名新增员工中的一员,主要协助照看这些人。



  释义 •v. to provide food and services, esp. at social functions 提供饮食及服务

  派生 •catering n. 餐饮业 caterer n. 备办食物者

  搭配 •cater to/for满足,迎合

  例句 •Does it cater for special diets? (IELTS6,T1,L3) 它提供特别的饮食吗?



  释义 •n. rough preliminary written version of sth. 草稿,草案,草图 v. to make a preliminary version of (a document) 起草

  同义 •sketch, drawing, outline

  例句 •When you’ve got something together, the trainer here will look through the draft version for you to see if it’s OK. (IELTS5,T4,L4) 当你收集了一些材料后,培训者会浏览你草拟的版本来看是否合适。



  释义 •n. a business where clothes, sheets, etc. are laundered 洗衣房;clothes, sheets, etc. that have been or need to be laundered 待洗衣服

  词根 •laun(看做lau洗)+dry(干)→干洗店→洗衣房

  例句 Those rooms constructed at the front of the houses should be garages, laundries, kitchens, bathrooms and dining rooms. (IELTS3,T4,L4) 这些建在房子前面的屋子应该是车库、洗衣房、厨房、洗手间和餐厅。



  释义 •n. the act or an instance of laying out 布局,安排,设计

  联想 • 来自词组 lay out 布置,安排

  例句 •Obviously, the noise factor will have to be taken into consideration with the layout of the houses. (IELTS3,T4,L4) 显然,噪音因素必须与房子的布局一同考虑进去。



  释义 •n. a lack of sth. needed; deficiency 缺少,短缺,不足额

  词根 •short ( 缺乏)+age (n.) → shortage ( 缺少)

  例句 •There was a shortage of accommodation, so marshland was drained and built on to house the large numbers of people now living there. (IELTS6,T1,L4) 那时住宿资源短缺,因此人们把沼泽地抽干用来建造房屋,为那里的很多人提供了住处。



  释义 •v. to accept the control, superior strength, etc. (of sb./sth.);to yield (to sb./sth.) 屈从;to give sth. (to sb./sth.) so that it may be considered, decided on, etc. 提交词根 •sub ( 下面的)+mit ( 放出) →被关押的人从下面放出来→屈从

  派生 •submission n. 屈服,屈从;提交

  同义 •comply, surrender, yield

  例句 •Then we invited all students to submit written suggestions for the design, placing cards in a suggestion box. (IELTS4,T3,L4) 然后,我们请所有学生提交设计的书面建议



  释义 •n. Hindu philosophy that teaches control over the mind,senses and body in order to produce mystical experience and the union of the individual soul with the universal spirit 瑜伽

  例句 We’re currently running a range of yoga. (IELTS6,T1,L1) 现在我们正在做一系列瑜伽动作。




  释义 •adj. having (too) many people 拥挤的,塞满的

  例句 •Houses were crowded closely together and usually very badly built. (IELTS6,T1,L4)




  释义 •n. a part of a country or town having a particular quality 地区

  例句 •I’ll start with a brief history of the district, and then focus on life in the first half of the twentieth century. (IELTS6,T1,L4) 我先简单叙述一下那个地区的历史,然后再重点介绍20世纪前半叶那里的生活状况。




  释义 •adj. giving or given as an answer; responsive. 回答的 n. one who responds 回答者

  词根 •respond(回应,反应)+ent(形容词后缀,……的人)→ 回答的;回答者

  派生 •respond v. 回应,反应 response n. 回应

  responsiveness n. 强烈的反应

  例句 Forty percent of the respondents were in favour. (IELTS4,T3,L4) 40%的回答者持赞成态度。




  释义 •n. a person who pays rent to a landlord for the use of a room, a building, land, etc. 承租人,房客

  派生 •tenancy n. 租赁期限,租佃,租用

  例句 •It was the availability, rather than the condition of the housing that was the major concern for tenants and landlords alike. (IELTS6,T1,L4) 房客和房东一样,他们关注的是有没有房间,而不是住房条件。


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