1、gorgeous feathers 漂亮的羽毛
The parrot has gorgeous feathers and a big tail. 这只鹦鹉有漂亮的羽毛和大大的尾巴。
2、be skilled at mimicking human sounds 擅长模仿人类的声音
The pet is skilled at mimicking human sounds. 这只宠物擅长模仿人类的声音。
3、have the vocabulary of a two-year-old 有两岁孩子的词汇量
Some parrots have the vocabulary of a two-year-old. 有些鹦鹉有两岁孩子的词汇量。
4、attack people around them 袭击周围的人
Some pets attack people around them. 有些鹦鹉袭击周围的人。
5、adorable 可爱的
I like your kitten because it is so adorable. 我喜欢你的小猫咪因为它好可爱。