雅思口语干货分享,关于雅思口语新题季Part2: 小孩逗你笑的经历
1、low spirits 低落的情绪
My mind was racing and my spirits were low.我头脑里思绪翻滚,情绪低落。
2、flop back into one's seat 扑通一下倒在座位上
I flopped back into his seat, looking depressed.我扑通一下倒在座位上,显得很沮丧。
3、pull the door open 开门
A feeling of great gloom in my stomach, I pulled the door open.我心里老大不情愿地打开了门。
4、bury/'berɪ/ my face in my hands 把脸埋在双手里
I buried my face in my hands.我把脸埋在双手里。
5、squeak/skwiːk/like a pig 学猪叫
He squeaked so like a pig that I couldn't help snorting with laughter. 他学猪叫学的很像,我忍不住噗嗤笑出声。
6、give sb. a sideways look 斜瞟一眼
I looked up and gave him a sideways look. 我抬起头,斜瞟了他一眼。
7、make faces 做鬼脸
Then he made faces and jumped like a monkey.接着他做鬼脸并象猴子一样地跳。
8、be doubled up 直不起腰
I was doubled up, hanging onto the arm of the chair for support.我笑得直不起腰,用椅子扶手支撑着。