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雅思口语Part1考题: Daily routine

来源:新航道 浏览:0 发布日期:2019-05-31 09:49


雅思口语干货分享,关于雅思口语Part1考题: Daily routine。

1、toast my toast on the frying pan and then flip it over to the other side 在煎锅上自己做吐司,然后翻个面

A typical morning for me involves getting up with the alarm clock, turning on the news, taking a shower, and I make toast everyday, but I don't have a toaster so I have to toast my toast on the frying pan and then flip it over to the other side and then I put margarin on it and a slice of cheese and I have that with a cup of tea every morning. 我早上一般会闹钟响了之后起床,看看新闻,洗个澡,每天做烤面包,但是我没有烤面包机,所以我得自己在煎锅上自己做,然后翻个面。接着放上人造奶油,一片芝士。而且我每天早上还会喝一杯茶。


2、a quick 5, 10 minute workout 5-10分钟锻炼

After that I take a shower like everybody else, shave, and then have to have my coffee and my yogurt, and then maybe a quick 5, 10 minute workout and off to work I go. 之后我会像其他人一样,洗个澡,然后喝咖啡和酸奶。之后会进行5-10分钟的锻炼,然后就去工作。


3、put the kettle on  把烧水壶打开

I'll wake up at about 7:30 and I'll put the kettle on and make myself a cup of coffee. Often also, I'll toast myself some bread with butter. After this, after breakfast, I will brush my teeth and get ready for classes. 我会在7点半左右起床,把烧水壶打开,弄杯咖啡,也常常会给自己弄片吐司面包,弄上黄油。之后,吃完早餐,我会刷牙,准备上课。


4、grab a quick breakfast on my way out the door 在路上快速买个早餐吃

I guess like anyone else, I wake up. I usually don't eat breakfast right away, but I get a shower and get dressed for work and usually grab a quick breakfast on my way out the door. That's typical morning on the week. On the weekend, I used to sleep in but actually these day, I like to get up earlier on the weekend, than during the week because I feel that's my one free day, so I get up pretty early and usually go do something on that Saturday or Sunday. 我觉得跟很多人一样,我起床,然后不会立马吃早饭,一般会先洗个澡,穿好衣服去工作,在路上快速买个早餐吃。工作日我就酱紫。而在周末,我以前常常睡懒觉,不过最近我喜欢在周末早起,因为对我而言,这是属于我的自由的一天。我喜欢在周末早起,然后在周六或者周日做点事情。


5、pretty hectic 相当忙碌的

OK, a typical afternoon for me is pretty hectic. It usually involves squeezing too many things in too little time. 下午一般我会做很多事,我会很忙,毕竟在很短的时间要做很多事。



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